St Andrew's Church Alresford Alresford Essex



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Who we are

We're a modern church, with a relaxed worship style. We welcome everyone to come and worship with us.

We are part of the Tenpenny Benefice (so called because The Tenpenny Brook flows through all 4 villages) with St Anne and St Laurence, Elmstead Market and St Mary Magdalen, Frating with Thorrington and share many activities together.


St Andrew's Church Alresford Q&A

Question: Will everyone stare at me because I’m new?

Answer: There are new people coming all the time, so don’t worry about standing out from the crowd.

Question: Do I have to wear special clothes?

Answer: People come in their normal clothes - for some that’s shorts and a T-shirt, for one or two others that means a tie. We’re not bothered.

Question: Will I feel embarrassed if my kids make a noise?

Answer: At St. Andrew’s our services have quite a lot of lively children, which is one reason we like it! They have their own special groups. Parents with young babies can sit in our crèche-room if they like, where they can still hear the service.

At St Mary Magdalen and St Anne & St Laurence, there are toys for small children during the service and folders to help older ones follow the service. Children are always made to feel very welcome.

Question: I don’t know much about the Bible, so will I know what’s going on?

Answer: Every service includes a sermon on the Bible. We aim for them to be clear, compelling and relevant to our lives, and to explain things so that everyone can understand.

Question: Will I get pounced on, or will everyone ignore me?

Answer: We’ll try to welcome you in the way that suits you! And we serve good quality tea, coffee and biscuits after each service.

Question: Do I need to make a donation?

Answer: There is an opportunity for regular church members to give their donations, you may make a donation if you want to, but you are not expected to give anything.

Question: Is it okay to come if I don't believe a word of it?

Answer: Absolutely. Come along just to see what it's like; you will not be forced to say things you don't mean or making any commitment you're not ready for. If you want to discuss the faith in more depth, speak to someone after the service, or consider coming on a free Alpha course; these run at intervals through the year.

Question: What is Communion?

Answer: Twice a month (Three times at St Anne & St Laurence) the service will also include "Holy Communion". The bread and wine are symbols to remind us of God's incredible love and care for us, shown in the life and death of his son Jesus. You are welcome to take part if you are a baptised Christian from any church. Otherwise feel free to watch, or to come forward for a prayer of blessing instead of the bread and wine.

Church Address

St Andrew's Church Alresford
St Andrews Close
Alresford, Essex CO7 8BL
United Kingdom
Phone: (01206) 827146

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Church Pastor

Rev Andrew Fordyce
Rev Andrew Fordyce
St Andrews Close
Alresford, Essex CO7 8BL
United Kingdom
Phone: (01206) 920848

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Rev Andrew Fordyce   Edit
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Rector   Edit
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Admin Name:
Lyn Bull   Edit
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Click here to contact Lyn Bull   Edit

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St Andrew's Church Alresford - St Andrews Close, Alresford, Essex
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St Andrew's Church Alresford Service Times

Services at St. Andrew’s, Alresford (StA), St Anne & St Laurence, Elmstead (StAL) and St Mary Magdalen, Thorrington (StMM)

Sunday 22nd Dec

9.30 am StMM All Age Worship (Janine Wilde)
10.00 am StAL Family Communion (Pauline Hart)
11.00 am StA Nativity Service (Judy Lovell/Julie Thompson)
5.00 pm StAL Carols by Candlelight (Pauline Hart)
6.30 pm StA Carols by Candlelight (Janine Wilde)

Tuesday 24th Dec Christmas Eve

4.00 pm StAL Crib Service (Janine Wilde/Gill Bucke)
10.00 pm StMM Communion Service (Pauline Hart)
11.30 pm StAL Midnight Mass (Janine Wilde)
11.30 pm StA Midnight Communion (Pauline Hart)

Wednesday 25th Dec Cristmas Day

10.00 am StA Christmas Communion (Janine Wilde)
10.00 am StAL Family Communion (Pauline Hart)

Sunday 29th Dec

10.30 am StA United Benefice Morning Worship (Valerie & John Harper)

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Dress Code

People come in their normal clothes - for some that’s shorts and a T-shirt, for one or two others that means a tie. We’re not bothered.   Edit

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Prayers and Hymns

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St Andrew's Church Church Alresford Photos

St Andrew's Church Alresford History

St Andrew's was opened on Palm Sunday 1976 and is close to the Village Hall and the playing field with ample parking. Whilst inside it is very much a modern flexible building, from the outside its shape reminds one of an Essex barn with its steeply pitched roof and high level windows at the gable ends. Inside, the worship space with its polished wooden floor and high ceiling can seat up to 200 people in individual chairs.

St Andrew's replaced the original church of St Peter's in Ford Lane, situated about half a mile from the village on the way to Alresford Creek on a site overlooking the Colne estuary. St Peter's was built in about 1320 by Anfrey de Staunton who held the Manor of Alresford. It possibly replaced an earlier Norman church but was much altered during the mid 1800s when, at various times, the chancel arch was enlarged, a south aisle added, and the shingled turret replaced.

St Peter's was destroyed by fire on the morning of Saturday, 2nd Oct 1971 and now just a peaceful shell remains under the care of Essex County Council.

St Andrew's is a vibrant church community with lots of young people and enjoys a variety of styles of worship. St Andrew's is the only place of worship in the village and in 2006 achieved recognition as a church of ecumenical welcome, the first in the Diocese of Chelmsford. We enjoy occasional services according to the Methodist rite. As the Bishop of Colchester commented at our 25th anniversary: "What happened all those years ago in 1971 must have been a profound loss, not only to the congregation but to the whole community. But, as so often happens, what appears to be a disaster opens the way to new opportunity."

In 2013, St Andrew’s opened the new annexe, called The Hub, providing much needed extra space for children’s groups and mid-week groups and events. A new entrance as well as office and storage space was also opened. The build, mostly financed by church members, will help us reach out to the village and give the church the opportunity to support various groups in the village.

The new buildings was officially opened by the Bishop of Chelmsford on Sunday 17th November 2013


St Andrew's Church Alresford Historical Photos

The power of Christian prayer "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."
Oswald Chanbers
St Andrew's Church Alresford listing was last updated on the 23rd of December, 2024
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