BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Enquiries DTSTART:20240505T000000Z DTEND:20240505T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20340430T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T063641Z LOCATION:Canterbury, Kent CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Canterbury Cathedral Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Holy Communion Celebrated at the High Altar in the Quire Every Sunday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Matins Sometimes said in the Quire. Sometimes sung by the King's School in the Nave Every Sunday at 9:30 AM for 40 minutes Sunday Sung Eucharist The principal service of the week, with choral music. Every Sunday at 11:00 AM for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Evensong Evensong using traditional language and with choral music from the Cathedral's choir or a visiting choir Every Sunday at 3:15 PM for ¾ hour Sermon & Compline An evening service with a sermon by a member of the Cathedral's clergy finishing with compline, which is a short evening service Every Sunday at 6:30 PM for ¾ hour Monday Matins Held in the (Chapel) of Our Lady Martyrdom Every Monday at 7:30 AM for 20 minutes Holy Communion Every Monday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace A short Act of Remembrance for people killed in recent wars with prayers for peace Every Monday at 11:00 AM for 10 minutes Sung Evensong Every Monday at 5:30 PM for ¾ hour Tuesday Matins Held in the (Chapel) of Our Lady Martyrdom Every Tuesday at 7:30 AM for 20 minutes Holy Communion Every Tuesday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace A short Act of Remembrance for people killed in recent wars with prayers for peace Every Tuesday at 11:00 AM for 10 minutes Sung Evensong Every Tuesday at 5:30 PM for ¾ hour Wednesday Matins Held in the (Chapel) of Our Lady Martyrdom Every Wednesday at 7:30 AM for 20 minutes Holy Communion Every Wednesday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace A short Act of Remembrance for people killed in recent wars with prayers for peace Every Wednesday at 11:00 AM for 10 minutes Said Eucharist A said service of Holy Communion using modern language Every Wednesday at 11:15 AM Sung Evensong Every Wednesday at 5:30 PM for ¾ hour Thursday Matins Held in the (Chapel) of Our Lady Martyrdom Every Thursday at 7:30 AM for 20 minutes Holy Communion Every Thursday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace A short Act of Remembrance for people killed in recent wars with prayers for peace Every Thursday at 11:00 AM for 10 minutes Sung Evensong Every Thursday at 5:30 PM for ¾ hour Holy Communion a said service of Holy Communion, usually held in the (Chapel) of Our Lady Martyrdom (also known as the Dean's (Chapel)) Every Thursday at 6:15 PM for ½ hour Friday Matins Held in the (Chapel) of Our Lady Martyrdom Every Friday at 7:30 AM for 20 minutes Holy Communion Every Friday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace A short Act of Remembrance for people killed in recent wars with prayers for peace Every Friday at 11:00 AM for 10 minutes Confession s a chance to confess ones sins in private to a priest Each week on a Friday between 12 noon and 13.00 hours. Confession s are usually heard in a (Chapel) in the Crypt Every Friday at 12:00 PM Sung Evensong Every Friday at 5:30 PM for ¾ hour Saturday Holy Communion Every Saturday at 8:00 AM for ½ hour Matins A said service of Morning Prayer, usually held in the Eastern Crypt Every Saturday at 9:30 AM for 25 minutes Act of Remembrance with prayers for peace A short Act of Remembrance for people killed in recent wars with prayers for peace Every Saturday at 11:00 AM for 10 minutes Evensong Evensong using traditional language and with choral music from the Cathedral's choir or a visiting choir Every Saturday at 3:15 PM for ¾ hour URL: GEO:51.279702;1.083055