BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Mr. Carson J. Hunt DTSTART:20240505T000000Z DTEND:20240505T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20340501T230000Z DTSTAMP:20200314T225641Z LOCATION:Ironton, Ohio CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:First Presbyterian Church Service Times DESCRIPTION:• Worship Service begins every Sunday at 10:30am from the first Sunday after Labor Day through Father's Day, and at 9:30am during the Summer. ALL ARE WELCOME - Please feel free to join us in our celebration of God's Love. • Holy Communion is ordinarily celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. July's celebration on the second Sunday commemorates those who have died. All who trust in Christ are invited to our Table. • Coffee Hour directly after Worship Service is our time to share food, coffee and conversation with our guests and with one another. This fellowship time is significant in the life of the congregation each week, so come join us and share in our bounty of friendship. • Chancel Choir rehearses and sings in worship from the first Sunday after Labor Day through Father's Day/Men of the Church Sunday. There is usually some special music during worship as well, either vocal or instrumental, provided by the many talented people of our community and our very capable Organist/Chior Director. Choir Practice runs from 7:00pm to 8:00pm on Wednesdays, and on Sundays for 15 minutes just before service. • Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry provides a music ministry to retirement homes in the community on Third Thursdays of the month. Every one is welcome to join us as we sing traditional hymns and some contemporary songs of the church. • Adult Sunday School meets 9:15am to 10:00am from September through mid-June, engaging in the study of the various books of the Bible, where we welcome young and old to learn and enighten. As families are added to our congretation, our Christian Education will eventually extend to classes for young children as well. We are eager to provide this kind of training for families. • Weekly Bible Study meets during four to six months a year, as the church calendar allows. Let us know if you would like to participate. We'd love to have you join us. Please call the church for day and time (740) 532-0601). • Prayer is a significant part of our congregation. From prayers of the people during worship on Sundays to private prayers of intercession throughout the week, we entrust the world as our neighbors to the healing power of God. 'If you are someone who is exploring your relationship with God, you are welcome here. If you are someone who has church background and is seeking a church home and brothers and sisters with whom to love and serve God, you are welcome here. No matter your circumstances, you are welcome here because we extend invitation in the name of Jesus Christ who is the Head of the Church and welcomes Everyone into relationship with our Creating, Redeeming, and Sustaining God'. --- With Blessings, Pastor Jan Williams URL: GEO:38.537549;-82.684202