BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=The Revd David Robert HEATH-WHYTE DTSTART:20240505T000000Z DTEND:20240505T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20340501T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160604T005341Z LOCATION:Morden, Surrey CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Morden Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Holy Communion Children and young people generally head straight off for their Sunday groups, and then join us later in the service for communion. Musically we enjoy a range of styles, we have a very able organist, as well as a pianist and contributions from our music group. Prayer ministry is available after each service. We always try and ensure our worship is accessible for visitors. Every first and fourth Sunday at 10:30 AM Morning Worship Children and young people generally head straight off for their Sunday groups, and then join us later in the service. Musically we enjoy a range of styles, we have a very able organist, as well as a pianist and contributions from our music group. Prayer ministry is available after each service. We always try and ensure our worship is accessible for visitors. The last Sunday of each month we gather together as a Church family for All Age Worship. Usually a lively affair - anything goes! Every second and fourth Sunday at 10:30 AM Family Communion The firth Sunday of the month is a family communion service. This is an all age worship service and is suitable for all. Sunday groups are not run on this day. Every fifth Sunday at 10:30 AM Tuesday Monthly Prayer Meeting This is time to praise God, to pray for church matters as well as the wider community beyond. We start with a cup of tea at 7:45 pm, and aim to finish by 9:00 pm. Every first Tuesday at 7:45 PM URL: GEO:51.392390;-0.221308