BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=The Revd Stefanie Margaret HODGES DTSTART:20240505T000000Z DTEND:20240505T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20340501T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T053640Z LOCATION:Park Barn, Surrey CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Clare Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday Holy Communion a quiet liturgical communion service Every Sunday at 8:00 AM for 40 minutes worship for all Most Sundays we begin all together before children are invited to go to a separate group while adults continue with the sermon and prayers. We join together again for communion. We sing in a variety of styles, guitar led songs, traditional hymns and some just for voices. Every Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Monday Monday Chat a cup of coffee and a natter Every Monday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour Tuesday Cheeky Cherubs A place for children and their carers to come and play together, socialise with other children and adults and have fun. Drop in between 9.30 and 11.30. Leaders are CRB checked. Meets during school term times Every Tuesday at 9:30 AM for 2 hours Meeting Point social club with a varied programme of events Every Tuesday at 2:00 PM for 2 hours Wednesday North Guildford Food Bank Every Wednesday at 8:45 AM for 2 hours Thursday Messy Church Fun informal Church for all the family - includes lots of crafts, celebration time and food! Every second Thursday at 3:30 PM for 2 hours Friday North Guildford Food Bank Every Friday at 5:30 PM for 1 hour URL: GEO:51.243798;-0.611823