BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: DTSTART:20240512T000000Z DTEND:20240512T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20340505T230000Z DTSTAMP:20160603T231123Z LOCATION:Widnes, Cheshire CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:St Paul's Service Times DESCRIPTION:Sunday St. Paul's @ 10:30 This is a welcoming, relaxed, ‘classic’ church service, with hymns, sermon, readings and prayers. We share holy communion together twice a month. The service itself allows time for peace and reflection, while refreshments afterwards gives a chance to meet and support each other. Children are welcome, though there is no special provision for them Every Sunday at 10:30 AM for 1 hour St. Paul's @ 4 St Paul's @ 4 is in a new style. It is informal, relaxed, and for all-ages (0 - 70+). The music is modern, and the services often involve talking to each other, and even moving around. The children join in the main service but also have PYGS - Paul's Youth Groups - while the adults have their own time. It lasts about an hour and then we always have a bit of food (e.g. pizzas) together afterwards, so we can grow together as a community. Every Sunday at 4:00 PM for 1 hour Monday Morning Prayer A great start to the day prayer, peace, together. A group of us meeting in the mornings, to find space to pray, to listen to God, to read a piece of the bible, and to ponder a moment before the day really gets going. Contribute as you want, or just enjoy the space. None of us are there every day-life is too complicated for that. But we make it the days we can. Always a squeeze to fit in, but it powers the rest of the day. Give it a go! Every Monday at 7:45 AM for ½ hour Tuesday Morning Prayer A great start to the day prayer, peace, together. A group of us meeting in the mornings, to find space to pray, to listen to God, to read a piece of the bible, and to ponder a moment before the day really gets going. Contribute as you want, or just enjoy the space. None of us are there every day-life is too complicated for that. But we make it the days we can. Always a squeeze to fit in, but it powers the rest of the day. Give it a go! Every Tuesday at 7:45 AM for ½ hour St. Paul's @ Spoon's This is a community of 18-30’s here in Widnes, ‘seeking to follow Jesus in the whole of life’. No singing! But friendship and conversation over a pint or two. How do we live well? How do we support each other? How do we journey closer to God? We meet at wetherspoons (the premier) Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM for 1½ hours Wednesday Morning Prayer A great start to the day prayer, peace, together. A group of us meeting in the mornings, to find space to pray, to listen to God, to read a piece of the bible, and to ponder a moment before the day really gets going. Contribute as you want, or just enjoy the space. None of us are there every day-life is too complicated for that. But we make it the days we can. Always a squeeze to fit in, but it powers the rest of the day. Give it a go! Every Wednesday at 7:45 AM for ½ hour Long Loaf Long loaf is a community which gathers in the church hall around a great lunch each Wednesday. Some of the community spend the morning cooking and preparing; the rest of us turn up about 12 to eat (by 12.30 the food is gone). But it’s not just about eating together. We chat, support each other and have a laugh. There is a story to ponder and a chance to ask for a prayer. We are all different-some mums with small kids, some older folks, some who live alone, others just come for the amazing food. Every Wednesday at 12:00 PM for 1 hour Sports for Lads Sports and games with a message Every Wednesday at 4:30 PM for 1½ hours St. Paul's @ Spoon's This is a community of 18-30’s here in Widnes, ‘seeking to follow Jesus in the whole of life’. No singing! But friendship and conversation over a pint or two. How do we live well? How do we support each other? How do we journey closer to God? We meet at wetherspoons (the premier) Every Wednesday at 7:00 PM for 1½ hours Sofa Sofa is a community which gathers weekly for a relaxed evening focused on ‘going deeper into God’. It’s all about listening to each other, discussing and supporting, and experience God in our lives. The name comes from two pink sofas at the front chat-show style. Each week someone is interviewed on the sofa, telling something of their story. Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM for 1½ hours Thursday Morning Prayer A great start to the day prayer, peace, together. A group of us meeting in the mornings, to find space to pray, to listen to God, to read a piece of the bible, and to ponder a moment before the day really gets going. Contribute as you want, or just enjoy the space. None of us are there every day-life is too complicated for that. But we make it the days we can. Always a squeeze to fit in, but it powers the rest of the day. Give it a go! Every Thursday at 7:45 AM for ½ hour Friday Morning Prayer A great start to the day prayer, peace, together. A group of us meeting in the mornings, to find space to pray, to listen to God, to read a piece of the bible, and to ponder a moment before the day really gets going. Contribute as you want, or just enjoy the space. None of us are there every day-life is too complicated for that. But we make it the days we can. Always a squeeze to fit in, but it powers the rest of the day. Give it a go! Every Friday at 7:45 AM for ½ hour URL: GEO:53.362927;-2.731830