BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID: ORGANIZER;CN=Hassan Bell DTSTART:20240512T000000Z DTEND:20240512T230000Z RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20340506T230000Z DTSTAMP:20150816T090532Z LOCATION:Toronto, Ontario CATEGORIES:Church Service Times SUMMARY:Thistletown Baptist Church Service Times DESCRIPTION:Morning Worship Our morning worship service begins at 10:45. The worship service consists of the following: Singing, Bible reading, Prayer, Offering, Children’s story, Memory Verse, Sermon. The service usually ends around 12:30. Evening Service We have an informal fellowship time every Sunday evening at 6:30. A few hymns, prayer and a Bible Study. Prayer Meeting: Wednesday night at 7:15 in the Fireside Room. URL: GEO:43.7446912;-79.5833896