BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:JD Buckner TITLE:Pulpit Minister URL;TYPE=WORK: REV:20230607T102327Z SOURCE: CATEGORIES:Church of Christ PHOTO;ENCODING=b;TYPE=JPEG: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 ORG:Lebanon Road Church of Christ NOTE:JD is the pulpit minister for the Lebanon Road church of Christ. He and his wonderful wife, Maria, have been married since 2002. They have two children: James David was born in 2006 and Jude in 2008. Toward the end of 2014, JD became the pulpit minister after serving as the youth minister since 2008. JD was raised in Dayton, TN where he graduated from Rhea County High School. He then graduated in 2003 from Freed-Hardeman University with a B.S. in Bible, and also received his minor in Spanish. In 2006 he received a Master of Arts degree in the New Testament from Freed-Hardeman. JD also played soccer for Freed-Hardeman University. In college, JD worked with the Juno church of Christ in Lexington, TN teaching classes and preaching when able. JD served as youth/associate minister for the church of Christ in Paris, Tennessee from 2002-2007. In addition to preaching and ministering, JD has taught a New Testament Greek course for the local members in Paris, TN and coached soccer for different ages and levels of play. He has been involved in many national and international mission efforts including three trips to Panama and a two-month effort in Bangkok, Thailand. JD has been blessed to speak for many youth rallies and gospel meetings in the Tennessee area. JD is proud to have a family filled with faithful Christians who serve as preachers, elders, Bible class teachers, Christian wives, and song leaders. He enjoys spending time with his family, reading, writing, watching movies, and SCUBA diving. His favorite book in the Bible is the Gospel of John. TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(615) 883-6918 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: N:JD Buckner ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;;;;; END:VCARD