Jesus may come today Lyrics and MP3

Jesus may come today MP3 Music

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Jesus may come today Lyrics

Jesus may come today
Glad day, glad day!
And I would see my Friend;
Dangers and troubles would end
If Jesus should come today.


Glad day, glad day!
Is it the crowning day?
I’ll live for today, nor anxious be;
Jesus, my Lord I soon shall see.
Glad day, glad day!
Is it the crowning day?

I may go home today
Glad day, glad day!
Seemeth I hear their song;
Hail to the radiant throng!
If I should go home today.


Why should I anxious be?
Glad day, glad day!
Lights appear on the shore,
Storms will affright nevermore,
For He is at hand today.


Faithful I’ll be today,
Glad day, glad day!
And I will freely tell
Why I should love Him so well,
For He is my all today.


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