The Lord is ris'n indeed Lyrics and MP3

The Lord is ris'n indeed MP3 Music

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The Lord is ris'n indeed Lyrics

The Lord is ris'n indeed:
Now is His work performed;
Now is the mighty captive freed,
And death's strong castle stormed.

The Lord is ris'n indeed:
Then hell has lost his prey;
With Him is ris'n the ransomed seed
To reign in endless day.

The Lord is ris'n indeed:
He lives, to die no more;
He lives, the sinner's cause to plead,
Whose curse and shame He bore.

The Lord is ris'n indeed:
Attending angels, hear!
Up to the courts of heav'n with speed
The joyful tidings bear.

Then take your golden lyres
And strike each cheerful chord;
Join, all ye bright celestial choirs,
To sing our risen Lord.

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