There's a song for all the children Lyrics and MP3

There's a song for all the children MP3 Music

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There's a song for all the children Lyrics

There's a song for all the children
that makes the heavens ring,
a song that even angels
can never never sing;
they praise Him as their maker
and see Him glorified,
but we can call Him saviour
because for us He died.

There's a place for all the children
where Jesus reigns in love,
a place of joy and freedom
that nothing can remove;
a home that is more friendly
than any home we know,
where Jesus makes us welcome
because He loves us so.

There's a friend for all the children
to guide us every day,
whose care is always faithful
and never fades away;
There's no-one else so loyal-
His friendship stays the same;
He knows us and He loves us,
and Jesus is His name.

Download There's a song for all the children lyrics (.txt file)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z