O Gladsome light, O grace of God Lyrics and MP3

O Gladsome light, O grace of God MP3 Music

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O Gladsome light, O grace of God Lyrics

O gladsome light, O grace of God the Father's face,
The eternal splendour wearing; celestial, holy blest,
Our Saviour Jesus Christ, joyful in Thine appearing!

Now, ere day fadeth quite, we see the evening light,
Our wonted hymn outpouring, Father of might unknown,
Thee, His incarnate Son, and Holy Spirit adoring.

To thee of right belongs all praise of holy songs,
O Son of God, life giver. Thee, therefore, O Most High,
The world doth glorify and shall exalt forever.

Quote of the Day

Acts 18:9

Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:

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