Churches with online services

Can't attend your favourite church this weekend? Are you unable to get out of your home to worship as usual? If so, why not choose one of's extensive places of worship that offer on-line worship or live video streaming.

Don't feel left out. Come join the service of your choice. Below, you'll find a variety of the best online churches and online church sermons for you to choose from. Some may be Anglican, some Catholic, some Baptist and many more - Lutheran, non-denominational, Methodist. Whatever your choice, if you want to attend church online streaming, you'll find something here that suits you. And we're adding new churches on a regular basis.

Our churches below are listed with the most recent updates first. We hope this will help you find an online church service near you.

If you are a church leader and you are able to offer on-line worship, feel free to contact us so that we can include you here. If you are not yet able to offer church online platform streaming but would like to, you can get a professional service to provide you with live video streaming from SermonCast.

Add St. James Anglican Church - Lake Wylie, South Carolina photo

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Quote of the Day

Psalms 139:14

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

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