How to get to Bostons United Pentecostal by car or by bus
Bostons United Pentecostal is located in Brighton, Massachusetts at 73 Brooks St.
See the driving tips and parking information below.
Street Address
73 Brooks St
United States
Phone: 9708748734
Fax: 6177828391
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Travel/Directions Tips
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Driving directions to Bostons United Pentecostal
Bostons United Pentecostal - 73 Brooks St, Brighton, MA
Mode of Travel:
Enter the start address, e.g. 6035 Twin Lake Rd NE Mancelona MI, and hit the 'Get Directions' button
With us night and morning
By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered, and confidently waiting come what may, we know that God is with us night and morning, and never fails to greet us each new day. Yet is this heart by its old foe tormented, still evil days bring burdens hard to bear; Oh, give our frightened souls the sure salvation for which, O Lord, You taught us to prepare. And when this cup You give is filled to brimming with bitter suffering, hard to understand, we take it thankfully and without trembling, out of so good and so beloved a hand. Yet when again in this same world You give us the joy we had, the brightness of Your Sun, we shall remember all the days we lived through, and our whole life shall then be Yours alone.
By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered, and confidently waiting come what may, we know that God is with us night and morning, and never fails to greet us each new day. Yet is this heart by its old foe tormented, still evil days bring burdens hard to bear; Oh, give our frightened souls the sure salvation for which, O Lord, You taught us to prepare. And when this cup You give is filled to brimming with bitter suffering, hard to understand, we take it thankfully and without trembling, out of so good and so beloved a hand. Yet when again in this same world You give us the joy we had, the brightness of Your Sun, we shall remember all the days we lived through, and our whole life shall then be Yours alone.